Commodities Market Updates

Monday, August 15, 2011

Net Present Value

Net present value (NPV) is a standard method for the financial appraisal of long-term projects. Used for capital budgeting, and widely throughout economics, it measures the excess or shortfall of cash flows, in present value (PV) terms, once financing charges are met. By definition,

NPV = Present value of net cash flows. For its expression, see the formula section below.
Each cash inflow/outflow is discounted back to its PV. Then they are summed. Therefore


t - the time of the cash flow
n - the total time of the project
r - the discount rate
Ct - the net cash flow (the amount of cash) at time t.
C0 - the capital outlay at the beginning of the investment time ( t = 0 )

What is Dividend per share?

Dividend per share

Dividend per share (DPS) is a simple and intuitive number. It is the amount of the dividend that shareholders have (or will) receive, over an year, for each share they own.

DPS = total dividends paid ÷number of shares in issue

Dividends are paid to holders of shares on the "record date" which will be announced beforehand by the company. More important from an investor's point of view is the ex-dividend date on, and after, which shares bought or sold on a stock exchange under normal terms will be sold without the dividend (so that the seller will get the dividend).

Companies may pay interim dividends during the year as well as a final dividend. These should all be added together to get the total annual amount in order to calculate DPS, dividend yield and other ratios.

Special dividends may also be declared. They main significance of a dividend being declared a special dividend is that this is a signal to investors that it is not part of a company's normal dividend policy and therefore does not indicate that future similar dividends will be paid annually, as is otherwise the case. These should not be included in the DPS or when calculating dividend yield, but should be looked at separately.

Most companies avoid dividend cuts unless their financial condition demands it or there has been some other change in the business or its capital structure. As a result of this, increases in the dividend are taken to be a sign that the management is confident that the new level can be maintained or improved on.

Important Ratios

Other Ratios

Liquidity Ratio:

Current Ratio:
                             Current Assets
                             Current Liabilities

Quick Ratio:
Current Assets-(Inventory + Prepaid Expenses)
                             Current Liabilities

Cash Ratio:
                             Cash + Marketable Securities
                             Current Liabilities

Asset Turnover Ratios:

Debtors Turnover Ratio:
                                      Credit Sales
                                      Average Debtors

Average collection period:
                                                No. of Days in the year (365 days)
                                                     Debtors Turnover Ratio

Inventory Turnover Ratio:
                                                Cost of goods sold
                                                Average Inventory

Note: In case, cost of goods sold is not available then sales will be taken in the place of cost of goods sold.

Inventory Period:
                                      365 days
                                      Inventory Turnover

Creditors Turnover Ratio:

                                      Credit Purchases
                                      Average Creditors

Payments Period:
                                      365 days
                                      Creditors Turnover Ratio

Debt to Equity Ratio & Leverage Ratio

Debt to Equity Ratio

A measure of a company's financial leverage. Debt/equity ratio is equal to long-term debt divided by common shareholders' equity. Typically the data from the prior fiscal year is used in the calculation. Investing in a company with a higher debt/equity ratio may be riskier, especially in times of rising interest rates, due to the additional interest that has to be paid out for the debt.

Debt to Equity Ratio:
                                      Long term debt

For example, if a company has long-term debt of $3,000 and shareholder's equity of $12,000, then the debt/equity ratio would be 3000 divided by 12000 = 0.25. It is important to realize that if the ratio is greater than 1, the majority of assets are financed through debt. If it is smaller than 1, assets are primarily financed through equity.

When used to calculate a company's "financial leverage" the debt usually includes only the Long Term Debt (LTD).

Leverage Ratio

1. Any ratio used to calculate the financial leverage of a company to get an idea of the company's methods of financing or to measure its ability to meet financial obligations. There are several different ratios, but the main factors looked at include debt, equity, assets and interest expenses.

2. A ratio used to measure a company's mix of operating costs, giving an idea of how changes in output will affect operating income. Fixed and variable costs are the two types of operating costs; depending on the company and the industry, the mix will differ


Return on Investments

Measure of the earning power of assets. The ratio reveals the firm's profitability on its business operations and thus serves to measure management's effectiveness. It equals Net Income divided by average total assets; also called rate earned on total assets. Other versions of ROI exist, such as net income before interest and taxes divided by average total assets. Return on investment is a commonly used measure to evaluate divisional performance.

Return on Investment:

                                      Net Income before interest and tax
                                          Average Total Assets


Return on Total assets

A ratio that measures a company's earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) against its total net assets. The ratio is considered an indicator of how effectively a company is using its assets to generate earnings before contractual obligations must be paid.

Return on total assets:
                                      Total Net Assets

Here, EBIT= Net Income + Interest Expense + Taxes.

The greater a company's earnings in proportion to its assets (and the greater the coefficient from this calculation), the more effectively that company is said to be using its assets.

To calculate ROTA, you must obtain the net income figure from a company's income statement, and then add back interest and/or taxes that were paid during the year. The resulting number will reveal the company's EBIT. The EBIT number should then be divided by the company's total net assets (total assets less depreciation and any allowances for bad debts) to reveal the earnings that company has generated for each dollar of assets on its books.

Important financial concepts

Net profit definition:

Often referred to as the bottom line, net profit is calculated by subtracting a company's total expenses from total revenue, thus showing what the company has earned (or lost) in a given period of time (usually one year). also called net income or net earnings.


Amount of money earned after all expenses, including overhead, employee salaries, manufacturing costs, and advertising costs, have been deducted from the total revenue.

Price Earning Ratio

A valuation ratio of a company's current share price compared to its per-share earnings.

Calculated as:         

                                      Market value per share
                                      Earnings per share (EPS)

Gross Profit Ratio

Gross profit divided by net sales. High ratios are favorable in that they indicate the business is earning a good return on the sale of its merchandise, although that may also invite competition.

Gross profit ratio:

                                      Gross profit
                                      Net Sales

Monday, July 18, 2011

L&T Finance Holdings Ltd IPO


JM Financial Consultants/Citigroup Global Markets/HSBC Securities and Capital Markets/Barclays Securities/Credit Suissue Securities/Equirus Capital.

Syndicate Members:
JM Financial Services P. Ltd/SMC Global Securities Ltd/ Karvy Stock Broking Ltd/IDBI Capital Market Services Ltd.

Issue Period: July, 27 to July, 29, 2011
Issue Size : Rs. 1245 cr
Price Band: Will be announced two working days prior to the issue opens
Lot Size: Will be announced two working days prior to the issue opens

Employee Discount : Will be announced two working days prior to the issue opens

Registrar: Sharepro Services (India) Private Limited

QIB Book: 50% of Net issue size
HNI Book: 15% of Net issue size
Retail Book: 35% of Net issue size

Invest through ASBA

Watch this space for More iformation in the nere future....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Introduction to Futures:

A future contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an underling asset at a certain price after a certain time frame. The time frame generally ranges from 1 month and beyond. Futures market is a remedy to the problems countered by the market players while participating in the forwards market. Future contracts are more standardized in nature and are traded on an exchange, compared to the forwards contract. The standardized contracts consist of an underlying asset with a standard specification like quality, quantity, location of settlement, and a definite time frame.

The noble laureate , 1990, Mr. Merton Miller says that financial futures represent the most significant financial innovation of the last twenty years.

To overcome the pertinent problem of ‘Credit risk’ in the forward contracts, a group of businessmen in Chicago formed the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) in 1848 with an intention to provide a centralized location to know the buyers and sellers. In the year 1865, CBOT went one step further and listed the first exchange traded financial derivatives called Futures Contracts. In the year 1919, a spin-off of the CBOT- Chicago Butter and Egg Board was recognized to trade in futures. Its name was later changed to Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). Both the CBOT and CME are recognized as the two largest Financial Exchanges of the modern era.

The ‘ Father of Financial Futures’, Mr LEO Melamed, then chairman of CME, was instrumental in launching the first financial derivatives in the year 1972, in the form of currency futures through the International Monetary Market (a division of CME). During the mid 80’s financial futures became most actively traded derivative instruments. In the recent years, market for financial derivatives has grown by leaps and bounds. In the class of equity derivatives, futures and options on stock indices have gained more popularity then individual stocks.

Futures Terminology:

To understand Futures one needs to be familiar with the terms given below:

a) Spot Prices: The price of the underlying asset in the market currently.

b) Futures Price: The anticipated price at which participants buy/sell the futures contract.

c) Contract Cycle: The term of the contract. Currently, India the exchange traded futures have a cycle like 1 month, 2 month and 3 month and terms generally used for the contract are Current Month, Near Month and Far Month, respectively. The contracts at NSE expire on the last Thursday of every month and a new contract bearing a 3 month expiry is introduced.

d) Expiry Date: This is the last date on which the contract is traded. Post this date the contract ceases to exist.

e) Contract Size: This is also called as the LOT SIZE of the contract. It signifies the standard quantity of the assets to be delivered under one contract.

f) Basis: It is defined as the Future price minus the spot price. In a normal market, if the future price exceeds the spot price it is assumed that the basis is positive and the underlying can reap better profits on the expiry and vice versa.

g) Cost of Carry: The relationship between the spot and the future price can be summarized in the terms of Cost of Carry. This measures the storage cost plus the interest that is paid to finance the asset less the income earned on the asset.

h) Initial Margin: It is the amount that must be deposited in the account at the time of entering (creating position) the future contract.

i) Marking-to-market: It is the difference of price between the closing prices of two trading days. This is settled everyday by the exchange. At the end of the trading day the margin account is adjusted to reflect the investor’s gain / loss depending in the future’s closing price.

j) Maintenance Margin: This is somewhat lower than the initial margin. This is set to ensure that the balance is the margin account never becomes negative. If the balance in the margin account falls below the maintenance margin, the investor receives a margin call and he is required to top up it with the shortfall. Before the commencement of the next trading day.


Derivatives market help in increase savings and investment in the long run for the economy. The derivatives market has to bear a lot of criticism and fear in the economy but it performs a no of economic functions. These can be read as below:

1. Prices in an organized derivative market reflect the perception of the market participants about the future and lead to price discovery of the underlying asset. The prices of the derivatives converge the price of the underlying at the expiration of the contract term. This helps in discovery of not only the future price but also the current price of the asset

2. The derivatives market helps to transfer risk.

3. The derivatives help the spot market in witnessing higher trading volumes as there are more number of participants.

4. This market helps in shifting the speculation to a more controlled environment. In the absence of an organized derivative market, speculators trade in the underlying cash markets. Margining, monitoring and surveillance of the activities of various participants become extremely difficult in this kind of mixed market.

5. Existence of an organized derivative market helps the economy by acting as a catalyst for new entrepreneurial activities. It often energizes others to create new businesses, new products and new employment opportunities in an economy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Curbing inflation will be the topmost priority in FY'12: Says the Indian President

President of the Indian Democratic Republic, Hon. Smt. Pratibha Patil on 21st Feb 2011, in her address to the joint session of the Parliament (Lok sabha and the Rajya sabha) raised concerns over the rising prices of the essential commodities and said inflation posed the biggest threat to the country's
growth momentum and combating inflation will be the topmost priority of her government in the next financial year 2011-12. 

Following are few extracts of President smt. Patil's speech:


* Foremost priority in FY12 is to combat inflation.
* Deeply concerned over inflation's threat to growth.
* Inflation has been a problem in the past year.
* Need to protect common man from rising food prices.
* Prices of cereals under control now.
* Vegetable price have eased with fresh crop arrivals.
* Unseasonal Nov rains pushed up food inflation.
* Aim to sustain current economic growth momentum.
* Indian econ on a high growth trajectory.
* Steps to tackle global financial meltdown successful.
* No room for complacency on economic growth.
* Deeply concerned over inflation's impact on aam aadmi.
* Proactive steps to fight inflation have shown results.
* Raising farm yield long-term solution to tame inflation.
* Committed to give remunerative prices to farmers.
* Global economic situation "complicated".

Concentration on developing the ECONOMY & INFRASTRUCTURE

* Need to maintain momentum for wider reforms.
* Need more conducive environment to attract FDI.
* Last year was a difficult one for our country.
* Some areas have seen unacceptably high violence.
* Need to address concern on lack of probity, integrity.
* Plan 40 trln rupee invest in core sector in 12th Plan.
* Pvt sector contributed 34% of infra invest 2010.
* To extend pvt FM radio to town with over 100,000 people.
* Taking steps for broadband, mobile svc to rural areas.
* Plan to set up 806 FM radio channels in 283 cities.
* Plan to give sops for FM radio svc in J&K, northeast.
* Taking steps to push up growth in coal output.
* Aim to make coal production more environment-friendly.
* To add 20,000 MW solar capacity by 2020.
* 16,000 km road construction under progress currently.
* Giving priority to shale gas exploitation.
* Asking cos to aggressively seek coal, gas blocks abroad.
* Likely to top 2014 aim of 40% rural tele-density.
* Aim to construct 7.5 mln houses by 2014.


* Ministers' panel looking at steps to tackle corruption.
* Internal security scenario largely under control.
* Welcome the dawn of democracy in Egypt.
* Need to strike balance between environment, development.
* Govt committed to tackle menace of black money.
* To take all steps to bring back black money from abroad.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What is a stock split?

A Stock split is a process where in the company decides to reduce the face value of the outstanding shares. This is usually done only when the stock is in a strong uptrend and the board of the company has a   comfortable anticipation that the stock will continue the same trend further. When a stock is quoting high in the market, there are worries that there will be fewer takers for the stock implying lower liquidity to the shares of the company. By this exercise, the company tries to provide more liquidity to the stock in the market. More often than not the when a company declares a stock split it means that particular firm is experiencing success.

Mechanics of stock split:

To do a stock split it is important to know the requirements before a stock split, as well as the general profile of the company which is announcing a split of their stock. Naturally the company must have enough unissued authorized shares to split the stock and then the board of directors must then meet and declare a stock split. If authorized shares need to be added, then the company must seek approval from shareholders, which requires a shareholder meeting for a vote to support additional shares being issued. At that point the company can announce the stock split and both the split and recording dates are set. When the split date does indeed arrive, additional shares are issued and the stock price per share is adjusted accordingly.

The average profile of a company that declares a stock split is one that is currently operating with increasing revenue and net earnings.  Typically the stock price is close to or higher than the price of the last split, is in a general uptrend and of course is expected to continue to move northwards.  In addition, business is forecasted to be very good going forward, shareholder confidence is high and basically no major legal issues are pending reconciliation. In addition, a stock split announcement is typically accompanied by other major events which could be anything such as a bonus, dividend being paid, a stock buyback program or even changes to management.

Stock splits usually attract the interest of the retail and institutional participants as they are certainly worth monitoring and when correctly identified, they provide low risk and high reward options strategies. In fact, if you can see a stock split coming when implied volatility is currently very low, then these particular situations have a tremendous chance of being highly profitable when coupled with the appropriate options strategy.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Investing in IPOa, The ASBA route...

Investment through the Initial Public offering (IPO) has been flair of the investors in India, for decades. This is also the primary step where in the investors learn investing in the stock market. Over the past decade it is observed that the participation of the retail investor for IPO has taken a large leap as they are proving to be an avenue to make quick money as the IPOs list at high premium to the issue price.
Retail investors are subscribing IPOs hand to hand and their increased participation is making the IPOs a success for the issuing company. Mostly the IPOs are oversubscribed i.e., more applications for the shares offered for sale by the company. It is almost certain that due to oversubscription, the investors will not get the number of shares they apply for in an IPO – most of the time two lots are alloted for four applied, one lot for five and sometimes nothing at all! Running in the race to apply for the shares in an IPO, investors run out of cheque leaves and also experience that the balance in the savings account has dip below the minimum balance required. Banks mostly charge penalties to the account holders who do not maintain a minimum balance. The securities market regulator and watch dog of the investor community in INDIA, the Securities and Exchange board of India (SEBI) has formulated a smarter way of investing in IPOs wherein you can make applications for IPOs with the amount residing in your account till the allotment is finalized. This way is called as “Application Supported by Blocked Amount” (ASBA). This facility can be an ‘Icing on the cake’ for the investors in the country.
ASBA- Application Supported by Blocked Amount is an application that authorizes the banker to block a specific sum of money in an individual's bank account for an IPO and debit the account only to the extent of the shares allotted to the individual. However, even as the blocked amount will not be available for use of the customer and he will continue to earn interest on it.
The benefits that an investor can derive from ASBA are
a) Cancelling and revising the bid is also possible.
b) The application amount is not debited from the savings account.
c) Keep earning interest on the amount parked in the Savings account.

Unlike the normal procedure where the debit happens immediately and the applicant needs to wait for refunds on a partial allotment, the ASBA route provides interest and saves time.
Now the question arises, how does one apply for ASBA?
Applying for ASBA
To bid in an IPO, the investor has to take either the e-route via on-line trading account or fill the physical form and submit it with his banker/broker. In the first scenario, taking an online investor into consideration, the process is very simple, he needs to just check the ASBA check-box in his screen (top brokerage houses provide ASBA facility for their online clients) and rest of the process is taken care of automatically. Whereas, if the investor takes the traditional way of applying to IPOs still, he needs to approach his banker (ASBA application forms can be downloaded from the NSE/BSE Web sites too) for an ‘ASBA Bid cum Application' form.
The applicant has to fill in basic details that include bank account number, PAN number, demat number, the bid quantity and bid price and submit the form with the banker (if the applicant is a Net banking client, he may be able to do this online itself). The banker then uploads details of the application in the bidding platform and simultaneously blocks the amount in the client's account. What is to be noted here is that not all banks have ASBA facility; only self certified syndicate banks (SCSBs) offer this.
List of SCSBs is given as a link below. To name a few, State Bank of India, HDFC Bank, AXIS Bank, ICICI Bank, Bank of India, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Standard Chartered Bank etc., are among those offering the facility. The best thing in this way of applying is that currently most brokers and bankers offer this service free of cost for their clients. They collect the selling commission or the processing fee from merchant bankers of the issue.

With ASBA applications just kicking off, there has been queries as to whether one can apply at the cut-off price and if the place bids can be revised. The answer is: Yes, one can do that. “The investor has the option of revising and even cancelling the bid till the cut-off time on the last day of the issue”. The process is simple and doesn't require much of a doing.
Process to be complied:
The investor need to have a current/savings account with one of the SCSBs to be able to apply via ASBA route in IPOs. While accessing this route the investor should ensure that he makes sufficient amount is available in his account while making the application. Once the process is complete, the banker sends in an acknowledgement which should be filed and kept for future reference.
Recently, brokerage houses have also been given the ‘green' signal by SEBI to distribute ASBA forms. So now you needn't even walk up to the bank for an ASBA application; you can send it through your broker (not all brokerages currently offer this service).

Important Links:

- List of SCSBs (including details Controlling Branch & Designated Branch)

- To register with the Exchange as Self certified syndicate banks, the bank has to submit an undertaking as per the prescribed format.

- Investors, wishing to apply the E-route or Online trading account click here

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why Most Futures Traders Lose Money..?

A review of 50 very basic, often violated rules for trading futures

It is often viewed that most of the traders have had a bitter experience of trading in the futures. It was during my academic internship I was assigned a task to find out the reasons of people incurring losses in futures trading. I would like to share the experience with you  and help you take an informed and wise investing/trading decision.
A survey of 50 brokers asked what, in their experience, caused most futures traders to lose money. The executives represent the trading experience of more than 10,000 futures traders. In addition, most of these Executives have also traded or are currently trading for themselves. Their answers are not summarized because different traders make (and lose) money for different reasons.
Perhaps you may recognize some of your strengths and weaknesses. Yet many of the reasons given are very similar from broker to broker. The repetitions stand to demonstrate that, many futures traders lose money for many of the same reasons.

Here is what they said:

1. Many futures traders trade without a plan. They do not define specific risk and profit objectives before trading. Even if they establish a plan, they “second guess” it and don’t stick to it, particularly if the trade is a loss. Usually, they liquidate the good trades and keep the bad ones.

2. They fail to pre-define risk, add to a losing position, and fail to use Stop Losses.
3. After several profitable trades, many speculators become wild and unconservative. They base their trades on hunches and long shots, rather than sound fundamental and technical reasoning, or put their money into one deal that “can’t fail.”

4. Many traders don’t realize the news they hear and read.
5.Traders often trade with less capital and try to carry too big a position with too little capital (margins). They trade too frequently for the size of the account.

6. Most of the traders try to “beat the market” by day trading, nervous scalping, and getting greedy.
7. They frequently have a directional bias; for example, always wanting to be long.

8. Lack of experience in the market causes many traders to become emotionally and/or financially committed to one trade, and unwilling or unable to take a loss. They may be unable to admit they have made a mistake, or they look at the market on too short a timeframe.

9. Most of the traders Overtrade. They are of the perception that more trades with less profit in a volatile market will increase their profitability. These traders often end up paying high on commissions then their gains.

10. Many traders can’t (or don’t) take the small losses. They often stick to a posotion until it really hurts, then take the loss. This is an undisciplined approach...a trader needs to develop and stick with a system.

11. Many traders get a fundamental case and hang onto it, even after the market technically turns. Only believe fundamentals as long as the technical signals follow. Both must agree.

12. Many traders break a cardinal rule: “Cut losses short. Let profits run.”

13. Many people trade with their hearts instead of their heads. For some traders, adversity (or success) distorts judgment. That’s why they should have a plan first, and stick to it.

14. Often traders have bad timing, and not enough capital to survive the shake out.

15. Too many traders perceive futures markets as an intuitive arena. The inability to distinguish between price fluctuations, which reflect a fundamental change, and those that represent an interim change often causes losses.

16. Not following a disciplined trading program leads to accepting large losses and small profits. Many traders do not define offensive and defensive plans when an initial position is taken.

17. Emotion makes many traders hold a loser too long. Many traders don’t discipline themselves to take small losses and big gains.

 18. Too many traders are under financed, and get washed out at the extremes.

19. Greed causes some traders to allow profits to dwindle into losses while hoping for larger profits. This is really a lack of discipline. Also, having too many trades on at one time and overtrading for the amount of capital involved can stem from greed.

20. Trying to trade inactive markets is dangerous.

21. Taking too big a risk with too little profit potential is a sure road to losses.

22. Many traders lose by not taking losses in proportion to the size of their accounts.

23. Often, traders do not recognize the difference between trading markets and trending markets. Lack of discipline is a major shortcoming.

24. Lack of discipline includes several lesser items; i.e., impatience, need for action, etc. Also, many traders are unable to take a loss and do it quickly.

25. Trading against the trend, especially without reasonable stops, and insufficient capital to trade with and/or improper money management are major causes of large tosses in the futures markets; however, a large capital base alone does not guarantee success.

26. Overtrading is dangerous, and often stems from lack of planning.

27. Trading very speculative commodities is a frequent mistake.

28. There is a striking inability to stay with winners. Most traders are too willing to take small profits and, therefore, miss out on big profits. Another problem is under capitalization; small accounts can’t diversify, and can’t use valid stops.

29. Some traders are on an ego trip and won’t take advice from another person; any trades must be their ideas.

30. Many traders have the habit of not cutting losses fast, and getting out of winners too soon. It sounds simple, but it takes discipline to trade correctly. This is hard whether you’re losing or winning. Many traders overtrade their accounts.

31. Futures traders tend to have no discipline, no plan, and no patience. They overtrade and can’t wait for the right opportunity. Instead, they seem compelled to trade every rumor.

32. Staying with a losing position because a trader’s information (or worse yet, intuition) indicates the deteriorating market is only a temporary situation can lead to large losses.

33. Lack of risk capital in the market means inadequate capital for diversification and staying power in the market.

34. Some speculators don’t have the temperament to accept small losses in a trade, or the patience to let winners ride.

35. Greed, as evidenced by trying to pick tops or bottoms, is a frequent error.

36. Not having a trading plan results in a lack of money management. Then, when too much ego gets involved, the result is emotional trading.

37. Frequently, traders judge markets on the local situation only, rather than taking the worldwide situation into account.

38. Speculators allow emotions to overcome intelligence when markets are going for them or against them. They do not have a plan and follow it. A good plan must include defense points (stops).

39. Some traders are not willing to believe price action, and thus trade contrary to the trend.

40. Many speculators trade only one commodity.

41. Getting out of a rallying commodity too quickly, or holding losers too long results in losses.

42. Trading against the trend is a common mistake. This may result from overtrading, too many day trades, and under capitalization, accentuated by failure to use a money management approach to trading futures.

43. Often, traders jump into a market based on a story in the morning paper; the market many times has already discounted the information.

44. Lack of self-discipline on the part of the trader and/ or broker creates losses.
Futures traders tend to do inadequate research.

45. Traders don’t clearly identify and then adhere to risk parameters; i.e., stops.

46. Most traders overtrade without doing enough research. They take too many positions with too little information. They do a lot of day trading for which they are under-margined; thus, they are unable to accept small losses.

47. Many speculators use “conventional wisdom” which is either local, or “old news” to the market. They take small profits, not riding gains as they should, and tend to stay with losing positions. Most traders do not spend enough time and effort analyzing the market, and/or analyzing their own emotional make-ups.

48. Too many traders do not apply money management techniques. They have no discipline, no plan. Many also overstay when the market goes against them, and won’t limit their losses.

49. Many traders are undercapitalized. They trade positions too large, relative to their available capital. They are not flexible enough to change their minds or opinions when the trend is clearly against their positions. They don’t have a good battle plan and the courage to stick to it.

50. Don’t make trading decisions based on inside information. It’s illegal for some markets, and besides, it’s usually wrong.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The term derivatives refer to a large number of financial instruments whose value is derived from the underlying assets. Derivative instruments like the options and futures facilitate the trading in financial contracts. The most important underlying instruments in the market are in the form of Equity, treasury bills, and foreign exchange. The trading in the financial derivatives has attracted the prominent players of the equity markets.

The primary purpose of a derivative contract is to transfer risk from one party to another i.e. risk is transferred from a party that wants to get rid of it to another party i.e. willing to take it. The major players seen in the derivatives segment are the SPECULATORS whose sole objective is to buy and sell for a profit alone. The HEDGERS are the other breeds of players, who aim merely to have a hedge positions. They are risk free investors whose intention is to have a safety mechanism and wish to protect their portfolio. Nevertheless, they are pursued as a cheap and efficient way of moving risk within the economic system. But the world of derivatives is riddled with jargons making it more awesome.

The trading in equity through the derivatives in India was introduced in the year 2000 by the Securities And Exchange Board of India [SEBI] and this was described as the “India’s derivative explosion”. Although this took a definite form in 2000 but the idea was initiated in the year 1995. it was then in the year 2000 that SEBI permitted the trading the in the options on the platforms of  India’s premier exchange platforms i.e., the National Stock Exchange Of India limited [NSE] and The Bombay Stock Exchange [BSE] in the individual securities. But the futures contracts took 17 long months to get launched on November 09’ 2001.
The trading in options and futures in the individual stocks were permitted to trade on the stable stocks only. The small and highly volatile stocks were an exemption from the trade in derivatives. Futures and options are important tools that help the investors to derive profit. The futures facilitate the investor to enter into a contract to deliver the underlying security at a future date whereas, the options allow it to his discretion as to whether he wants to buy (call) or sell (put) the contract.

The current trading behavior in the derivatives segment reveals that single stock futures continues to account for a sizeable proportion. A recent report indicates that the trading in the individual stock futures in the Indian exchanges has reached global volumes. One possible reason for such a behavior of the trader could be that futures closely resemble the erstwhile ‘BADLA’ system.

Turnover in Financial Markets and Commodity Market
              (Rs in Crore)
S No.
Market segments
2004-05 (E)
Government Securities Market
Forex Market
Total Stock Market Turnover (I+ II)
National Stock Exchange (a+b)
a) Cash
b) Derivatives
Bombay Stock Exchange (a+b)
a) Cash
b) Derivatives
Commodities Market
Note: Fig. in bracket represents percentage to GDP at market prices                               Source: Sebi bulletin
Indian Derivatives Market …. Looking Ahead
Clearly, in the nascent stage, the derivatives market in India is heading in the right direction. In the terms of the number of contracts in a single commodity/stock it is probably the largest market globally. It is no longer a market that can be ignored by any of the serious participants. The Indian economy, now, is at the verge of greater expansion the any other economies in the globe today. This has attracted a large number of institutional investors, both – the Indian as well as foreign, to invest in to the Indian stocks and commodities, thereby bringing in a lot of forex reserves. As predicted by the popular investment Gurus’ and the great Economists world wide, India will be a major player in the global economy by the end of this decade. We can conclude that, with the institutional participation set to increase and a broader product rollout inevitable, the market can only widen and deepen further.